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I want to cancel my membership

Cancellations are handled by CCBill. Please click here for CCBill's support page. You can also contact CCBill 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by phone at 1-888-596-9279, or by email at I hate to see you go and hope you'll come back if you decide to cancel. If you are dissatisfied with your subscription, please send an email and I can do my best to resolve any problems.

I lost my username or password

Please click here for CCBill's support page to look up your subscription and retrieve your password or username.

My username / password isn't working

Make sure you are entering your login information exactly as it appears on your sign-up email confirmation. These are case sensitive. If you have shared your login information (naughty, naughty!), it is more than likely that your username has been locked. If neither of these situations apply to you, please contact us for a solution.

I need help playing/saving videos

It's best to save a video to your computer's hard-drive and watch it once downloaded. If you're using Firefox, right-click the video link and choose "Save link as"; Internet Explorer, right-click and choose "Save file as"; Safari users, control-click and choose "Download file as." Once downloaded, you can open the video on your computer without buffer delays.

You need Windows Media Player or Quicktime 7 to play the videos on your computer. Windows Media Player can be downloaded by clicking here; Quicktime 7 can be downloaded by clicking here.

To view a video on-the-fly, click on the "Flash" link for the video you'd like to watch. There may be delays as it buffers, depending on your internet connection speed. If your connection is slower, you should try the "small" Flash video size.

iPhone, iPod, and iPad users can click on the "Apple Devices" link for instant viewing. The "small" format is recommended if you're using 3G or a Wi-Fi network (the videos will play on the Edge network, but might start and stop while playing back as the video buffers). The large format is best for downloading to your computer, importing to iTunes and sync'ing to your iDevice. For help on importing videos to iTunes and sync'ing click here.

How long are the videos?

Typical run-time is 15-20 minutes. There are some videos that run a little longer than 20 minutes, and some that fall a minute or two shy of 15.

Do you use DRM on the videos?

Nope. You will be able to play the videos once you leave the site. Membership entitles you to one copy of each video for personal enjoyment. Please be respectful and don't upload the videos or photos to file-sharing sites. We actively pursue online pirates. Members who are found to upload videos to piracy/torrent sites will be immediately canceled without refund. Trust me, we have ways of knowing when you upload to piracy sites.

My question isn't listed here

If you have other questions or problems, please send an email and I'll work on a solution asap. Please make sure to include a detailed description of the problem, your username or subscription number, and any related technical information such as the browser or media player you're using.

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